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Respiratory Masks
Swine Flu - what you need to know - the official advice!
The Health and Safety Executive currently recommends the use of highest efficiency filters (P3) for protection against viruses(1), advice which is echoed by the Health Protection Agency (HPA)(2) and the Department of Health(3) who, in the case of pandemic influenza, recommend the use of the highest efficiency particle filters (P3).
Against such viruses, 3M recommend the use of, either disposable P3 masks 3M9332 and 3M8835 or re-useable half-face masks 3M6000 or 3M7502 in conjunction with P3 filter 3M2138
1. HSE, HSG53 “Respiratory protective equipment at work, A practical guide”.
2. http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1238055328357
Department of Health, Health Protection Agency, “Guidance for Pandemic
Influenza: Infection Control in Hospitals and Primary Care Settings” –
October 2005.