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Nailers, Staplers, Nails and Staples, Safety Footwear, Safety Equipment & Workwear
21st Century 16° Conical Coil Nails

AWRG 2.1mm wire collated conical coil nails, galvanized, ring shank, from 27 to 50mm
Nail diameter: 2.1 mm
Nail lenght: 27 - 50 mm
Angle: 16°
Head: Full round
Shank: Ring
Point type: Diamond
Finish: Galv.
Collation per strip:400
Similar to:
Atro ROOL, BeA BDC, Bostich Stanley C,AC, Fasco CN15W-50, Haubold RNCW, Hitachi NV AI, Holz-Her CN WIRE, Max CN , Porter Cable COIL, Prebena CNW, Senco SCN, Spotnails CN.
Fencing, shed making, wood assembly, decking, crate and pallet construction, sub-flooring, exterior trim etc.