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Clipped Head Wire Welded Framing Stick Nailer + Case F28WW-E
Bostitch Clipped Head Wire Welded Framing Stick Nailer + Case F28WW-E

Clipped Head Wire Welded Framing Stick Nailer + Case F28WW-E. Is the latest evolution of the best selling N88WW Framing Nailer
- Brings even more power to the job with a 5% increase in driving power.
- Slimline design gives a weight reduction.
- The handle has been lowered to improve balance and comfort in use.
- Along with other design improvements these features will keep this tool firmly at no 1 in the pneumatic framing market.
- Its use of 28 degree wire collated nails keeps consumable costs to a minimum.
- Use for all your framing and first fix applications.
- Operating Pressure PSI 70 - 120
BAR 4.8 - 8.3
Air Consumption Ltr.per shot @ 5.6 bar 2.47