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Pneumatically Operated Tongue & Groove Flooring Cleat Nailer
Powernail Pneumatically Operated Tongue & Groove Flooring Cleat Nailer

The Powernailer® Model 445 mallet-activated pneumatic L Headed Cleat Nailer for Tongue & Groove Flooring. INCLUDES MALLET.
- Includes Mallet.
- The durable design enables the 45R to stand up to the rigors of every day use.
- It is designed to nail flooring without splitting the tongue or damaging the floor surface.
- The 45 degree angle of the machine enables it to drive cleats/nail at a perfect 45 degree angle into the tongue and then countersinks the cleat/nail to the proper depth.
- For those looking for the ease of use of a pneumatic tool
- Model 445 nailer-designed for use with 16 gauge (.062") 1 1/2", 1 3/4" and 2" Powercleats®