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Protecta Rebel 6m Web Self Retracting Lifeline 3101041

Protecta Rebel 6m Web Self Retracting Lifeline 3101041. A very light in weight Safety Block. This product is engineered for reliable and customer friendly protection, locks when it should and won’t lock when it should not.
- Lightweight device at 1,6kg.
- As standard, there is also a top swivel designed to keep the webbing from twisting during work activity.
- The 6m Web SRL design is housed in very tough thermoplastic which protects from sensitive structures such as painted surfaces, tiled roofs, aeronautic wings.
- Quick activating and anti-ratcheting twin disc brake system.
- Easy check of pawl good operation.
- Easy inspection - Impact indicator included
- Applications
- Utilities, tile roof work, tower work, scaffolding / steel work, outdoor advertisement, maintenance, industry, aeronautics.