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Nailers, Staplers, Nails and Staples, Safety Footwear, Safety Equipment & Workwear
Tacwise 50mm Heavy Duty Tacker

Offers the winning combination of power and sheer speed of use. Countersinks long frame staples into hard wood. Beautifully balanced and highly reliable. Well established in many "blue chip" furniture factories.
Length: 369mm
Width: 93mm
Depth: 287mm
Weight: 2.5kg
Load capacity staples: 150
PSI: 70-120
Max dBA sound/noise level (on surface impact): 86
Firing system: Contract Trip
Ideal for
- Bed & furniture frames
- Cardboard to pallets
- Coffin manufacture
- Display & shop fitting
- Fencing
- Kitchen & bedroom furniture
- Pallet/crate manufacture & packing case
- Plasterboard
- Portacabins, mobile homes & caravans
- Sheds & garden buildings
- Sign manufacture
- Theatre & film scenery
- Tubs and barrels
- Open (viewable) magazine system
- 360° adjustable exhaust port
- Soft rubber safety grip
- Tool speed (shots per second) 4
- High capacity magazine
- High durability driver blade system
- Depth control adjustment for precise countersinking
- Side mounted quick release loading system
- Quick release nose plate to release jams
- Double power cylinder system