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Hearing Protection / Ear Defenders>
Ear Defenders>
PITSTOP Foldable Electronic Ear Defender SNR 26 dB
Venitex PITSTOP Foldable Electronic Ear Defender SNR 26 dB

Venitex PITSTOP Foldable Electronic Ear Defender SNR 26 dB. Materials : Cup: ABS / Pads: Foam / Headband: CO compound Weight : 286 gr (without batteries) Sizes: Adjustable Colours: Black Ref: PITSTOP EN352-1
Description :
- Foldable electronic ear defender with ABS cups.
- Mat finishing.
- Pads filled with synthetic foam.
- Coolmax headband, extra confort, adjustable in height.
- ON/OFF and volume swich button on each cup, for right/left use separately.
- 2 omni directional microphones outside, connected to 2 loudspeakers inside the cups.
- Amplification system of voices and alarm signals to avoid the risk of insulation on the job.
- System of amplification shuts off automatically and reverts to passive earmuff mode, in the case of impulsive noise which reaches 80/82 dB : protection against hazardous noises.
- It works with 6 batteries AAA, not included.
- Construction
- Civil engineering
- Industry
- Airport
- Foundry
- SNR (Standard noise reduction) : 26 dB
- Stereophonic.
- Electric wireless external.
- Ergonomic ON/OFF and volume swich button.
- LED of indication for activated system